
To enhance students' English proficiency and abilities to use English to learn in content subjects through

  • maximizing students' opportunities on the use and exposure of English in content subjects
  • fostering greater connections between English language and EMI subjects through cross-curricular planning and collaboration
  • organizing campus English activities related to different content subjects to consolidate what students have learnt in content subjects and enrich the school’s English language environment.


Holistic planning on the whole school implementation of LaC & RaC

Our school implemented cross-curricular planning and collaboration with reference to the following road map:

5-year road map on holistic implementation of LaC / RaC in MKP (2010 - 2015)

MKP School-based MOI planning (2010-2014)

LaC / RaC inside classroom – Cross-curricular LaC / RaC projects among different content subjects

We collaborated with the Education Bureau's Language Learning Support Section (LLSS) to strengthen the roles of the panel heads of EMI subjects in carrying out cross-curricular collaboration projects and enhance teachers’ skills to design learning and teaching materials to implement language learing and reading across the curriculum. EMI teachers in MKP have designed a number of learning projects and shared with colleagues of other departments their experiences earned in the process as well as the products of students’ learning in annual school-based sharing sessions.

We were invited by the Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB) to share with the public our school's effective implementation of Language Across the Curriculum (LaC). Our lessons and learning activities were videotaped by the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and students as well as teachers were interviewed to share with the audience how MKP developed together with the Language Learning Support Section of the EDB a variety of LaC teaching and learning materials and organized different campus activities to help students learn content subjects in English effectively and maximize their exposure to English.

Our school case was part of the RTHK's Programme 〈香港語文教育的路與道〉 and the broadcasting dates and time were:
        05.12.2014(1520-1540) ATV World
        5.01.2015(0920-0940) TVB Pearl

Please click the following link to view the video and two of our school cases which have been uploaded recently onto the website of the Education Bureau's Language Learning Support Section (LLSS) for sharing:

LaC in Maths: Statistics

Preparing students for a better transition
from junior to senior levels:
Implementation of LaC Periods & LaC Days

LaC inside classroom - LaC Periods in S.1

There were around 26 lessons scheduled in the school timetable for S1 students in each academic year from 2010/11 - 2016/17 to enhance their English abilities especially writing and speaking and learn systematically different knowledge structures such as compare and contrast, problem and solution, etc. that are important for them to study different content subjects effectively in English. In 2011/12, four teachers were invited by the Education Bureau to present our school’s LaC periods and LaC days at its seminar entitled “Maximizing students’ exposure to English through varied cross-curricular approaches” held at the EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre on 20 April 2012.


LaC outside classroom - LaC Days

A variety of theme-based English activities on the LaC Days such as the Science Day and the Music Day were organised to consolidate what students learnt in lessons of different content subjects and enrich the school’s English language environment.


Organising a cross-curricular summer bridging programme for incoming P.6 students

We organise a summer bridging programme for incoming P.6 students to provide more opportunities for students on the use of both general and academic English (GE + AE). LaC and RaC elements are infused in the programme and students will learn more reading skills and vocabulary items (especially the vocabulary items taught in content subjects). Starting from July 2012, we have designed and run a cross-curricular bridging programme for the incoming P.6 students. It has been a great success and welcomed by students and teachers.


English Reading across the Curriculum (RaC)

Apart from completing book reports in Science, V.A., Music, History, Chemistry, Geography, Home Economics and English, S.1 - S.3 students will learn and revise various reading strategies in the lessons and complete different reading assignments.

香港神託會主辦馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學 Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Ko Pan Memorial College
訪客人次: 20010
地址: 屯門石排頭路17號
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電話(Tel): 2407 7440
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